Mission Statement


The National Capital Jobs Coalition (NCJC) organizes, supports, and advocates for the creation of just, decent paying, jobs-with-a- future for the residents of The District of Columbia.

The Coalition Platform:
Washington, DC is a geo-political and economic center.  It is a significant commercial hub as well.  Here in the District is where much of the business of the nation and the world is centered.  Unfortunately most of these jobs are not accessible to DC residents.  Non-residents of the District of Columbia fill 70% of these living-wage jobs.  Economic opportunity for the citizens of The District cannot continue to be a second - or even a third- tier priority for our city government.

Trinidad and Ivy City lie in the shadow of the nation’s capitol, but they have more in common with third world countries than the headquarters of global politics and governance. This is not the world of our communities and neighborhoods. The DC of power and affluence is not the DC of 40% unemployment and the blight of abandoned buildings, poverty, despair, and social disintegration.  The old top-down jobs programs no longer work.  These temporary jobs and make-work projects are ineffectual band-aids on the gaping wound of urban poverty.  Job training programs for non-existent jobs are a cruel joke of political expediency.  DC communities need new, creative, and innovative strategies, not old failed solutions with new names. 

As a first step the DC Government needs to accept the fact that large development projects are a principal source of economic development, and must ensure that the benefits of these developments accrue to all the citizens of our city. 

First Source must become real legislation with teeth. Land developers and businesses must take it seriously and not as a simple advisory ignored with a wink from our elected officials. Adoption of First Source as an effective tool for community economic development and full implementation of an effective First Source law with teeth to assure compliaince will be a principal focus of our public advocacy program.  The National Capital Jobs Coalition will monitor and report on compliance with this key piece of legislation.  We will provide public advocacy for strengthening and expanding First Source reach and enforcement.  We will monitor compliance and publically expose the “top ten” most egregious offenders. 

New Jobs & New Industry - DC needs new business and industry to match the pace of technology and commerce being created around the world.  Our city should be a beacon of the American spirit of ingenuity and a symbol of smart technology application.  DC can, and should, become the exemplary demonstration site for the new urban economic development model.
The National Capital Jobs Coalition will proactively seek and support new job and workforce development initiatives that will create new innovative business and industry within the communities and neighborhoods of the District.  Furthermore, we will advocate for A National Cenrter for Urban Microenterprise to provide a model for other similarly effected urban centers.  These programs must accommodate the special needs of our neglected and disenfranchised populations and include workforce readiness, adult literacy, and living wage requirements.

Mission Objectives
In order to accomplish our Mission and to evaluate our progress and accomplishments, there are two specific strategic objectives we must accomplish.

·      #1 Objective:  Advocate for the restructuring and revision of existing First Source Legislation. close existing loopholes, and provide incentive for compliance. Finally to integrate First Source legislation and compliance reviews into management performance criteria and overall city procurement policy 

·      #2 Objective:  Advocate for and support the creation of new green industry for The District and the establishment of A National Center for Urban Microenterprise as a means to foster small business growth and development at the bottom of the economic pyramid here in the District of Columbia..

1.    Program One: First Source Program 

Seek full employment of DC’s Residential Work Force through the just, equitable, and preferential hiring of DC residents 
a. Encourage a full program review for First Source.
b. Seek assignment of a First Source Compliance Officer
c.  Establish process and procedures to integrate First Source thinking and pokicies into city procurement policies.
b.   Engage with The DC Jobs Council and others to identify and suggest changes and improvements to the existing legislation and to formulate new and innovative approaches

2.      Program Two:  NEW Green INdustries Program – Create and design green and innovative jobs and industry for the district

a.   Introduce new green industry to Washington, DC’s communities
b.   Establish The National Center for Urban Microenterprise
c.    Train community residents for these new and innovative jobs.
d,   Create employee owned businesses supported by a marketing Co op.