New Green Jobs for DC Citizens
For years we've been saying, "There ARE NO Jobs!" In DC there are few decent, well paying jobs. First, you need a Masters Degree. If you don't have one, then there are no jobs that can provide you with a decent living and support your family.We started this Blog because we were pissed off that developers and construction company Carpet Baggers were coming into our city, taking our tax dollars, and not hiring DC workers. We were frustrated by the inadequate jobs training programs offered by most agencies and contractors. If you are going to train people, you need to train them for specific jobs that EXIST.
When we started, The National Capitol Jobs Coalition, we had two objectives: Pass an improved, "First Source," legislation (Done) and second to find, or create NEW Green Jobs for DC. In pursuit of that goal we sought to acquire the Crummel School that now sits at the center of a controversy between Ivy City and Mayor Gray.
What is The Green Ivy City Alliance
The Green Ivy City Alliance! is a joint venture relationship with ProFish, Inc of Ivy City. Greg Casten, President of ProFish has just purchased an adjacent building (a warehouse) and intends to expand his present operation to include both freezer space and a smokehouse for fish and game. Our end of the partnership will entail the establishment of an aquaponic urban farm to the site. The Douglas Jammal Organization has purchased the old Hecht Building site and has already secured Mom's Organic Markets as a tenant.
Eocnomic Development for Ivy City
To me the path is clear! Jammal and Mom's will be in the Hecht Building. The Hecht Building is adjacent to the planned development on Okie Street That is less than one block from there. Clearly both commercial businesses will support and expand the "destination venue," and attract customers for each other. The combined site will then serve as an "attractor,' for new allied businesses in both food and retail. This will be in support of the condos surely to be part of the overall Jammal plan. The combined structures will be a destination venue! In anticipation of the developing venue and in support of developing Ivy City we intend to launch a branding effort tied to an overall program to attract new businesses and entrepreneurs to Ivy City. The intended name of the program will be : The Green Ivy City Alliance ... and The Brand: "Green Ivy City" This is a nascent idea and concept but it is meritorious and we believe it can and should happen in Ivy City. We have been in communication with the Mayor's office and a meeting is scheduled with Council Member McDuffie on the issue as he is the effected Councilman, Ward Five!
First Source - Ivy City Jobs!
It is our intention to hire from Ivy City first, Ivy City, Veterans, Single Parents in that order. We will be publish our plans in this blog over the next few weeks and months as we move this project forward!