Our Mission Mandates New Job Creation
Last year in response to the rampant unemployment, the economic crisis, and the unfair employment practices of many employers, a group made up of Clergy, Organized Labor, and Community Activists and under my leadership formed The National Capital Jobs Coalition to support the new First Source Legislation (dcfirstsource.blogspot.com). In our attempt to create more public awareness and participation in a solution, we conducted public awareness sessions, picketed select construction sites, testified before City Council, and on several occasions, met with the framers of the new law. So far, not much has changed and unemployment continues to rise.
The City is NOT Happening here!
With unemployment in double digits and seemingly on the rise, there is an urgent need to create hope and opportunity. This initiative is intended to create new green jobs. In addition it is intended to enlist community support and involvement. In seeking a practical solution, we are committing our abilities and resources to the enrichment of the lives of our neighborhoods and communities. With this goal in mind, we are announcing the formation and prospective launch of: The Family Fish Farm Network, Inc.
Family Fish Farms will be a for profit corporation that will bring a NEW and innovative business model to Washington DC. The initial plan is to build and operate a network of Aquaponic farms within our neighborhoods and communities (social and faith based) These urban farms will provide local high quality organic fresh seafood and vegetables. The farms will be owned and operated by the persons within our community. This business model is intended to provide jobs, pride in ownership, and a necessary source of clean, fresh, local food. In addition to this, our goal is to reinvest a large percentage of the profits into the respective communities by helping fund education and training programs for our youth. It is our further intention to provide both organizational and financial transparency.
This is Crowd Sourcing !!!
Finally, we are reaching out to our entire community to help fund and implement this plan. In the near future, we will be announcing a series of meetings to be held in wards 4, 5, 7, and 8 as they are the most affected by unemployment. At these meetings we will present our plan, welcome community feedback, and seek your participation. Please visit our website www.familyfishfarms.com. This will be one of the mediums that we utilize to communicate our plans and to engage the energy and participation of the community. There will also be a blog. Our goal is to create decent green jobs in DC. It is our plan to make this a sustainable community economic development project. Our goal is to build strong communities one business at a time!
We are willing to take the risk … if we can get some help. Please let us know your thoughts.